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A sexy and fun read! Loved the storyline and characters, and the compelling mix of romance, action and suspense. I enjoyed it from beginning to end, and look forward to reading the next book in this series.
A Raptor agent is sent to rescue 2 young kids but the story is just that. A story. This is a page turner and the story is warm and romantic, moments of fun and moments of heartache. I read this book and promptly started reading the other books in the series. Bravo!!
I love the books of PJ Fiala. This is a story that will keep you guessing. Fast paced, a page turner. Strong men and stronger women. Bravo!
FYI -- since reading this book I have added to more of the books in this series (and another) to my collection. I have also added another page to my book organizer (dedicated to PJ Fiala).